Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Windows 7 Administrator password reset method

step1: Insert Windows 7 os cd restart your pc

step2 :Select first boot DVD driver

step3 :Press any key from boot CD/DVD Enter

step4 :Go to Repair option,and then Dos command mode enter

step5 :Please type below mentioned code:

copy D:\windows\system32\sethc.exe D:\
copy D:\windows\system32\cmd.exe D:\windows\system32\sethc.exe
Reboot system after logon screen display
5 times Shift Key…
net user Username MyNewPassword

Pendrive Shortcut virus

1) முதலில் பென்டிரைவை உங்கள் கணினியில் சொருகி கொள்ளுங்கள்.

2) Start ==> Run ==> CMD==> Enter கொடுக்கவும்.

3) இப்பொழுது பென்ட்ரைவ் எந்த ட்ரைவில் உள்ளது என பாருங்கள். My Computer 

செல்வதன் மூலம் கண்டறியலாம்.

4) உதாரணமாக E: டிரைவில் பென்ட்ரைவ் இருக்கிறது எனவைத்து கொள்வோம் அதற்கு 

நீங்கள் E: என கொடுத்து Enter அழுத்தவும்.

5) attrib -h -s -r /s /d *.*என டைப் செய்யுங்கள் ஒவ்வொருபகுதிக்கும் Space சரியாககொடுக்கவும்.

◦நீங்கள் சரியாக கொடுத்துஉள்ளீர்கள் என உறுதி செய்து கொண்டு Enter அழுத்துங்கள்.

◦சில வினாடிகள் பொறுத்திருங்கள். இப்பொழுது உங்கள் பென்ட்ரைவ் சோதித்து பாருங்கள் உங்களுடைய பைல்கள் அனைத்தும் திரும்பவும் வந்திருக்கும் —

Monday, 22 December 2014

How To Configure DHCP Failover In Windows Server 2012 R2

How To Configure DHCP Failover In Windows Server 2012 R2
In this example we will be using 2 servers, each on which DHCP server role will be installed, on our first server which is a domain controller the DHCP server role has been installed and configured. This is our primary DHCP server (AD.PRAJWAL.LOCAL) running Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter edition. On another server running Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter edition (DHCP2.PRAJWAL.LOCAL), we will be installing the DHCP server role. Launch the ServerManager and select DHCP Server role. Click Next.
Description: How To Configure DHCP Failover In Windows Server 2012 R2
Click on Install.
Description: How To Configure DHCP Failover In Windows Server 2012 R2
Do not click Close, click on Complete DHCP configuration.
Description: How To Configure DHCP Failover In Windows Server 2012 R2
Click Commit.
Description: How To Configure DHCP Failover In Windows Server 2012 R2
Now on the first DHCP server, launch the DHCP console, right click on IPv4 and click onConfigure Failover.
Description: How To Configure DHCP Failover In Windows Server 2012 R2
Click Next.
Description: How To Configure DHCP Failover In Windows Server 2012 R2
Click on Add Server to add the partner server used for failover. Add the second DHCP server and click Next.
Description: How To Configure DHCP Failover In Windows Server 2012 R2
Type the Relationship Name, select the Mode as Load Balance. Click Next.
If you are looking for explanation of each setting, here it is
Relationship Name - A name to identify the failover.
Maximum Client Lead Time – Determines maximum amount of time that one server can extend a DHCP lease for a client beyond the time known by the failover server.
Mode – Load Balance settings for an active/active configuration or Hot Standby for an active/passive configuration.
State Switchover Interval – If this setting is enabled the active DHCP server will automatically place its partner into down state when it can’t communicate with it for the specified amount of time.
Enable Message Authentication – This option enables authentication of the failover replication traffic between partners. If you enable this option you must also specify the Shared Secret.
Description: How To Configure DHCP Failover In Windows Server 2012 R2
Click Finish.
Description: How To Configure DHCP Failover In Windows Server 2012 R2
Launch the DHCP console on the second DHCP server and you should see the IPv4 Scope similar to the one seen on primary DHCP server.
Description: How To Configure DHCP Failover In Windows Server 2012 R2
To test the DHCP failover we will log in to one of the client machine. Launch the command prompt and type ipconfig /all, make a note of DHCP server that has provided the IP address. In our case the DHCP server is (AD.PRAJWAL.LOCAL).
Description: How To Configure DHCP Failover In Windows Server 2012 R2
Now on DHCP server we will disable the network device. After waiting for few seconds on the client machine we see that DHCP server IP is changed to This means that when our primary DHCP server was down, the other DHCP server assigned the IP address to the client machine.
Description: How To Configure DHCP Failover In Windows Server 2012 R2

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

how to Ubuntu 12.04 server editions changing GUI mode ?

how to Ubuntu 12.04 server editions changing GUI mode ?   

   Ender the command:

      sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop
Internet connection must.

How to windows recovery disk create

                      Start->Run or Windows Key + R அழுத்தி recdisc.exe என கொடுக்கவும். என்டர்( enter ) அழுத்தி பின்வரும் விண்டோவில் கொடுக்கப்பட்டிருக்கும் சிடி(CD) அல்லது டிவிடி(DVD) டிரைவை தேர்வு செய்து பூட்டபில் ரெக்கவரி டிரைவ் உருவாக்கவும்.

                   விண்டோஸ் பூட் ஆப்சனில்(boot option) டிவிடி அல்லது சிடி என கொடுத்து பூட் செய்யதால் நீஙகள் உங்கள் டேட்டாவை ரெக்கவர் செய்து விடலாம். 

Monday, 27 October 2014

How to safely move data

        -> Computer பயன்படுத்தும் அனைவருக்கும் ஒரு பயம் இருந்துகொண்டே இருக்கும். எவ்வளவு எச்சரிக்கையாக இருந்தாலும் வைரஸ் பிரச்னை வந்துவிடும்.
முக்கியமாக கம்ப்யூட்டரில் வைத்திருக்கும் ஆவணங்களை கோப்புகளை பதம் பார்த்துவிடும்.
ஒரு சிலர் எச்சரிக்கையாக இருந்தாலும், ஒரு ஆபிஸ் டாக்குமெண்ட்டோ அல்லது ஏதேனும் ஒரு படமோ இப்படி உருவாக்கிய ஆவணத்தை சேமிக்கும்பொழுது தானாகவே டீபால்டாக மை பிச்சர் போல்டர், மை டாகுமெண்ட்ஸ் போல்டரில் சேமிக்கப்படும்.ways-to-protect-your-documents-in-computer
பிரச்னை என்னவென்றால் இவ்வாறுக C டிரைவில் சேமிக்கப்படும் கோப்புகள் பாதுகாப்புக்கு உகந்ததல்ல..என்பதுதான். எப்படியென்றால் ஏதாவது ஒரு சமயத்தில் உங்களுடைய கம்ப்யூட்டரை பார்மட் செய்திடும்பொழுது, C டிரைவிலுள்ள கோப்புகள் அனைத்துமே அழிந்துபோய்விடும்.
பார்மட் செய்திட்ட பிறகு அந்த கோப்புகளை மீண்டும் எடுக்கவே முடியாது.
அதுசரி.. மைடாக்குமெண்ட், மைபிக்சர், மை ஸ்கேன், மை மியூசிக், மை வீடியோஸ் (My Document, My Picture, My Scan, My Music, My Videos) போன்ற போல்டர்களெல்லாம் சி டிரைவில் மட்டும்தான் இருக்க வேண்டும் என்ற கட்டாயம் எதுவும் இல்லை.
அதை உங்களுடைய விருப்பத்திற்கு தகுந்தவாறு மற்ற டிரைவ்களிலும் மாற்றிக்கொள்ளலாம்.
உதாரணமாக My documents போல்டரை நீங்கள் சி டிரைவிலிருந்து D டிரைவிற்கு மாற்றிக்கொள்ள முடியும்.
முதலில் My Documents போல்டரின் மீது ரைட் கிளிக் செய்யுங்கள்.
இவ்வாறு ஒரு விண்டோ தோன்றும். அதில்
டார்கெட் என்ற இடத்தில் உங்களுக்கு எந்த டிரைவில் போல்டர் இடம்பெற வேண்டுமோ அதை உள்ளீடு செய்யவும்.
பிறகு Move என்பதைக் கொடுத்தால், அந்த போல்டரானது D டிரைவிற்கு மூவ் ஆகிவிடும்.
இனி நீங்கள் சேமிக்கும் எந்த ஒரு டாக்குமெண்டும் தானாகவே டி டிரைவில் உள்ள போல்டரில் சேமிக்கப்பட்டுவிடும்.

How to Windows 8 Automatic Repair

Running Automatic Repair

     Running Automatic repair from the Recovery Drive is easy. After your system boots from the Recovery Drive and you follow the Troubleshoot | Advanced options path through the menu, you'll see the Advanced options screen shown in Figure A. Among the tools found on the Advanced options screen, you'll see Automatic Repair.

Figure A

On the Advanced screen, you'll find four other tools that you can use to recover a damaged Windows system.
When you select the Automatic Repair option, you'll see the screen shown in Figure B.

Figure B

Your first line of defense when it comes to recovering a Windows 8 system is the Automatic Repair option.
Once you launch Automatic Repair, it will begin diagnosing the startup problem and you'll see the screen shown in Figure C.

Figure C

In the first step of its operation, Automatic Repair will diagnose the problem.
During this diagnostic phase, Automatic Repair will scan your system and analyze the various settings, configuration options, and system files looking for corrupt files or botched configuration settings. More specifically, Automatic Repair will look for the following problems:
  • Missing/corrupt/incompatible drivers
  • Missing/corrupt system files
  • Missing/corrupt boot configuration settings
  • Corrupt registry settings
  • Corrupt disk metadata (master boot record, partition table, or boot sector)
  • Problematic update installation
If it detects any of these types of problems, it will automatically attempt to fix them, as shown inFigure D.

Figure D

Once Automatic Repair has diagnosed your startup problem, it will attempt to repair it.
If Automatic Repair can fix the problem, it will do so without any intervention. It will then restart the system and boot normally.

Severe problems

If Automatic Repair is unable to fix the startup problem, you'll see a screen like the one shown inFigure E. As you can see in this situation, Automatic Repair will create a log file with more information and will provide you with a way to go back to the Advanced options menu where you can select one of the other recovery options.

Figure E

If Automatic Repair is unable to repair your system, it will display this screen.
Before you use one of the other recovery options, you should investigate the log file and see what details it provides. Fortunately, the Recovery Drive contains Notepad and you can use it to view the log file. To begin, take note of the path and file name of the log file. Then click the Advanced options button. When you return to the Advanced options menu, select Command Prompt.
When the Command Prompt window appears type the drive letter to change drives. In my example, the log file is on drive D. Then, use the CD command to access the folder containing the log file. Finally, type the name of Notepad's executable file along the name of the log file as a parameter.
This is the set of commands you would use to access the log file as shown in Figure F.
cd \Windows\System32\LogFiles\Srt
notepad.exe SrtTrail.txt

Figure F

From the Command Prompt, you can launch Notepad and open the log file.
When Notepad appears, you'll see the contents of the SrtTrail.txt log file similar to the one shown in Figure G. If you scroll to the bottom of the file, chances are that you will find a test that failed and could have a good lead for further investigation.

Figure G

Now if you booted the system from a USB flash drive, you can save the file from Notepad to the flash drive, remove the flash drive, take it to another PC and print it. You now have a printed copy of the log file that you can use as an aid to further troubleshooting. After you have printed the log file, be sure and return the flash drive to the ailing computer.
If you booted the system from an optical disc, you won't be able to print the file, but you can scroll through it and take note of any details you think are crucial.

Automatic Repair loops

I have one more piece of information to pass on concerning Automatic repair, but it comes with a caveat.
A friend recently mentioned that his Windows 8 laptop was stuck in an Automatic Repair loop in which the system ran Automatic Repair, rebooted, and then ran Automatic Repair again. The process was unending and very frustrating. After booting from a USB Recovery Drive, rather than running Automatic Repair again, we decided to go right to a Command Prompt and try a series of BootRec commands we had used in the past to rescue a Windows 7 system that was encountering severe startup problems.
In our case, this series of BootRec commands, followed by a ChkDsk command just for good measure, solved the problem. Unfortunately, I have not encountered another Windows 8 system that was stuck in an Automatic Repair loop and so have not been able to test the process again. However, I have heard of other folks who used successfully used this technique. So, while I can't guarantee that this will work in every case, at least it will provide you with another option to try before moving on to the next level of recovery tools.
When the Command Prompt window appears type the following set of commands, one by one.
bootrec /FixMbr
bootrec /FixBoot
bootrec /RebuildBcd
chkdsk /r
Once the ChkDsk command completes, remove the Recovery Drive and restart the computer.
The /FixMbr switch writes a new MBR (Master Boot Record) to the system partition, the /FixBoot switch writes a new boot sector onto the system partition, and the /RebuildBcd switch scans all disks for Windows installations and provides a choice of which entries to add to the BCD store. Finally the /r switch on the ChkDsk command locates bad sectors and recovers readable information.

How to Change a Computer Password Using Command Prompt

A command prompt is a command you issue to your computer using a built-in program. To change a computer password using Microsoft Command Prompt, follow these instructions. 1. Open command prompt: To do this just click or press the windows start button on your pc and type in command prompt...then click the command prompt icon when it shows or hold the windows start button and press R to open the windows run menu then type in cmd to open command prompt 2.To change a user's password at the command prompt, log on as an administrator and type: net user user_name * /domain When you are prompted to type a password for the user, type the new password, not the existing password. After you type the new password, the system prompts you to retype the password to confirm. The password is now changed.

Alternatively, you can type the following command: net user user_name new_password When you do so, the password changes without prompting you again. This command also enables you to change passwords in a batch file.

Non-administrators receive a "System error 5 has occurred. Access is denied" error message when they attempt to change the password


  1. Change a Computer Password Using Command Prompt Step 1 Version 2.jpg
    O#Reboot the computer
  2. Change a Computer Password Using Command Prompt Step 2 Version 2.jpg
    Right after the bios is finished, hit F8 (or F2,F10,F12)
  3. Change a Computer Password Using Command Prompt Step 3 Version 2.jpg
    Select 'Safe mode' or 'Safe mode with networking support'
  4. Change a Computer Password Using Command Prompt Step 4 Version 2.jpg
    Windows will boot up to the logon screen. Click administrator, 9/10 there is no password.
  5. Change a Computer Password Using Command Prompt Step 5 Version 2.jpg
    Open Command Prompt. You can go to Start > Run and type cmd.exe or simply search for cmd using the Windows search function.
  6. Change a Computer Password Using Command Prompt Step 6 Version 2.jpg
    Type net user and press Enter. This will bring up a list of user accounts. Look here for the name and exact spelling of the account whose password you wish to change.
  7. Change a Computer Password Using Command Prompt Step 7 Version 2.jpg
    Type net user name goes here *. Do not neglect any of the spaces (particularly the one before the *) or the command won’t work.
  8. Change a Computer Password Using Command Prompt Step 8 Version 2.jpg
    Press Enter. Once submitted, the command will give you the option of typing a new password for the user.
  9. Change a Computer Password Using Command Prompt Step 9 Version 2.jpg
    Carefully type the desired password and press Enter. The characters will not display as you type, so make sure the Caps Lock isn’t on and be very thorough with the spelling and punctuation.
  10. Change a Computer Password Using Command Prompt Step 10 Version 2.jpg
    Retype the password to confirm. This should weed out any typos.
  11. Change a Computer Password Using Command Prompt Step 11 Version 2.jpg
    Press Enter. The new password should go into effect immediately. If you get an error message or your access is denied, the account you’re working on doesn’t have high enough authorization to change any passwords.